Partnering with Orangewood Children’s Foundation for Annual Santa’s Workshop
Part of Chatterton and Associates’ company mission is to enrich lives, and we firmly believe one way to do this is to give back to the local community. That’s why, especially around this time of year, we are so happy to partner once again with Orangewood Children’s Foundation for their annual Santa’s Workshop on Friday, December 14.
About the Orangewood Children’s Foundation
Orangewood Children’s Foundation, the leading providers in Orange County of services to current and former foster children, strives to prepare foster and community youth to reach their greatest potential. Through their values of trust, respect, and compassion, the OCF works one-on-one with youth to help identify strengths and aptitudes, empowering them to overcome challenges.
OCF staff work with youth in four critical areas: health & wellness, housing, life skills & employment, and education. They meet a broad array of needs, including: groceries and a hot meal, transitional housing, and life skills workshops and employment leads. They opened the innovative Samueli Academy charter high school in 2013, and continue to fund scholarships for college and graduate school for those in need.
How our Orangewood Children’s Foundation partnership began
We have been working with OCF since 2013, when a former colleague discovered their organization while searching for a way to give back to the local community. Knowing that there were many students who struggled without supplies to get them through their school days, we wanted to find a way to donate backpacks full of school supplies. The Orangewood Children’s Foundation aligned with our mission.
Every year during our Family Movie event, we collect donations for Orangewood of gently used clothing and school supplies for children in need. The response to our collection has been overwhelming, and support for this mission continues to grow every year.
Moving forward with Orangewood Children’s Foundation
The holiday season, with images of happy families and abundant presents, can be especially difficult for current and former foster youth. We want to let these children know that they are not forgotten this time of year. Orangewood Children’s Foundation’s biggest need throughout the year is new, full-size, personal hygiene items and non-perishable food for youth struggling to make ends meet. In December, especially, they rely on support from the community to help provide holiday gifts, including gift cards and professional service donations (such as dental care, vision care, internships and job placement, etc.)
As Chatterton and Associates grows steadily, we want to continue to give and support those in need. This year, we will continue the honored tradition of partnering with OCF for their Annual Santa’s Workshop event. We can’t think of a better way to give back to those in need this holiday season. We will be receiving and organizing donations, wrapping Christmas gifts, and putting together wish list items for those who are less fortunate.
Help us celebrate the holiday season and contribute to those who need it the most. To learn more about the Orangewood Children’s Foundation and how you can help, visit their website here.
The Team at Chatterton & Associates