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What Our Clients Love About Us

" In the last year and a half, I used the help of both Rob and Scott with a problem that I didn’t know I had. It was a wild moment for me, but the combined expertise of the two gave us the solution to the problem. You guys really care; you are very professional! "

- Ed S. - Client Since 2012

" Starting from the minute you open the door, you are greeted, you are taken care of. Chatterton is like family to us. "

- Frank G. & Anetta O. - Client Since 2012

" That’s one of the reasons why I love Chatterton & Associates! I feel like if anything were to happen to me, my daughter could come in and speak to Holly, Eric, and Justin. Since they have everything there, It’s going to be such an easy process that works out for my family! "

- Jamie P. – Client since 2014

When you integrate Chatterton into your investments, taxes, and things of that nature, you are walking into a family of people who don’t see you as a number. They understand that we have spent our lives working on our investments. They remind us that the investments that we’ve worked so hard on will be taken care of. "

- Hubert F. - Client Since 2018

" Rob takes good care of us! He is prepared when we go in for our appointments. We can ask questions, and we don’t have to submit them in advance. He understands any concerns that we may have. He provides enough detail in the overview that we understand where we are from a financial standpoint and how we want to move forward. "

- Richard W. - Client since 2011

" David does take good care of me when he prepares my taxes. I remember a couple of times when I had a question in the middle of the year, so I called, and David gave me good advice. "

- Nitza S. - Client Since 2010

" My wife and I really like Rob; we’re sold! The most profitable conversations I have when I meet with Rob are about tax. "

- Terrance C. - Client since 2011

" Every time we come into the office, we are greeted like family. I think Chatterton puts in a really good effort to get to know us. From the tax folks to the estate team, they have always been so pleasant, open, and ready to help us. "

- John & Robin H. - Client since 1998

" One of the reasons I switched over to Chatterton Tax was that I wanted to hire someone who knows more about taxes than I do; that way, I can continue to learn. David has always been helpful and responsive to any concern, issue, or question that I have. "

- Normandy & Mercedita C. - Client since 2021

" If I call and have a question, you respond immediately, not two or three days later! One of the problems with businesses is that you don’t meet face-to-face anymore. Today, they put you on hold, and you sit around for a long time. That has never happened to me at Chatterton & Associates. "

- Richard N. - Client Since 2006

" Rob explains things so that we can understand them, and if we don't understand, we can ask questions. And he doesn't mind going over things, basic things. It seems to me like sometimes he has to say things over and over before we get it, but truthfully, we don't really have to understand every little detail because we trust him. "

- Linda & Tom R. - Client since 2006

" Kyle covers all the bases. He is thorough. He's always prepared. That's always impressed me. He's prepared when he talks with us, very patient, and answers all of our questions. "

- Roger D. - Client since 2021

" Is there a scale higher than ten for Teresa? She is amazing! There isn’t a time that she has not responded to us quickly, and I’m sure she treats all her clients the same. "

- Richard W. 

 Client since 2011

" I appreciate the family atmosphere! When I go into the office, the staff are all very friendly, down to earth, and always open to chat. "

- Sam H. 

Client since 2005

" I appreciate the responsiveness; whenever I leave a message or send an email, somebody always gets back to me right away; I do appreciate that! "

- Donna J. 

Client since 2003

" I think the peace of mind is the biggest thing for me. I interviewed a lot of Financial Advisors in the past and always wondered, how will this work? When I met Rob, we clicked! There have been several things to worry about throughout the years, but financially, I’ve always felt that I have been in good hands. "

- Terry O. 

Client since 2000

" It relieves me of the pressure of having to handle these things by myself. A lot of people are afraid of coming to an organization like you because they want to do their own thing. It’s better for me to leave that in the hands of people that I trust, and I’ve found that to be true with Chatterton & Associates. "

- Joseph H. 

Client since 2011

" The fact that you’re molding my plan around our needs is helpful, and your staff is ready to help us if we need to modify our plan. "

- James K. 

Client since 2008

" It’s nice to come into the office and see the same people every time, which is nice and comforting. You don’t see that too often. "

- Stanley M. 

Client since 2013

" Other than helping my wealth stay steady for my retirement, I have yet to look for a job! "

- Ronald R. 

Client since 1997

" I appreciate that you’ve made me money over the years! "

- Terrance C. 

Client since 2011

" We feel like we are recognized, not just by David, Kyle, or Jim but by the whole staff. In general, everybody knows us, and that makes us feel very appreciated. "

- Virgina R.

Client since 2010

" That’s why I’ve been able to recommend the Chatterton organization to many friends because there are not too many organizations that do this kind of integration. "

- Scott C.  

Client since 1997

" When you integrate Chatterton into your investments, taxes, and things of that nature, you are walking into a family of people who don’t see you as a number. They understand that we have spent our lives working on our investments. They remind us that the investments that we’ve worked so hard on will be taken care of. "

- Hubert F. 

Client since 2018

" We got started there with finances, and then we went to the taxes and finally had the Estate Team review our Estate planning. It’s a 10 as far as I’m concerned! "

- Mark G. 

Client since 2008

" I have one doctor and several specialists, and they don’t speak to each other; no one talks to anybody. When I come to Chatterton & Associates, everyone talks to each other and they always know what’s going on. It’s very easy to get things accomplished and be satisfied. "

- Frank G. & Anetta O.

Client since since 2012

" Your integration of Wealth, Tax, and Estate has been something that I’ve been looking for, for quite some time. To me it’s great, it makes a lot of sense. "

- Richard S.

Client Since 2019

" Eric doesn’t’ make you feel rushed and answers your questions. He makes you feel part of the family. "

- Scott T.

 Client since 2015

" Justin has been taking care of me for a while. He has helped me understand my taxes and how I can minimize my tax debt. "

- Alma E. 

Client since 2018

" It’s the personal tailoring of our portfolio, being the unique distinction that separates you from other firms. The way Kyle tailors our portfolio to our specific needs is what makes Chatterton an exceptional service. "

- Robert Z.

Client since 2017

" I’ve been very pleased with our reviews. Kyle is always open to what we have to say and always answers our questions. I appreciate that he is straightforward and concerned about our well-being. "

- Stanley M.

Client since 2013

" David looks at my finances from the Tax perspective, whether I should be doing things now versus ten years from now, looking at the tax differences between this year and the next. David takes everything into consideration. "

- David N.  

Client since 2015

" Justin goes through my taxes and gives me pointers on certain things that he notices. He has always been courteous and kind. "

- Ronald R.

Client since 1997

" Kyle is very knowledgeable, always approachable and explains everything well to us. He’s a pleasure to meet with and we look forward to always learning more from him. "

- Richard S.

Client since since 2019

" Rob sees the big picture. He sees where the market is headed and makes projections. He also takes a look at my stage of life and considers my short-term and long-term goals. "

- Deborah L.

Client since since 2019

" I love the fact that I can call Teresa to handle things for me! That’s the best thing of all. I have somebody I can call to fulfill my requests. The personal service is worth every penny. "

- Lucille R.

Client Since 1997

" The very first interview I had with Rob was very good. He hit all the right notes! "

- Joy C.

Client since since 2020

" We appreciate that Chatterton is a one-stop shop. You guys are interconnected. Chatterton knows my trust, my finances, and my taxes, and we like that. "

- Garold & Sharon J.

Client since since 2017

" You've got the different units—tax and investment—and each one can go off on different tangents, but here it works together... No one's trying to sell me on one thing or the other. This is what it is, this is how it works, and in the end, you're going to make your own decision, but at least you'll have a reasonable and informed decision that you understand. "

- William B.

Client since since 2006

" I've been with Rob now for more than 20 years and what I like about our client interviews is that Rob's focus is on me and what my needs are, not what is out there. "

- Peter F.

Client since since 2002

" Ash is very clear and concise with his analysis of what's going on with our portfolio, and we're very happy with him. "

- Rita C.

Client since since 2020

" One quality that I was looking for in a financial advisor was they had to be personable, and Eric has that quality. With my background, I have been doing stock trades myself for a while and I'm just tired. When it was time to finally choose an advisor, I chose Eric. "

- Hank H.

Client Since 2024

" Kyle can talk you off the ledge, and he’s good at not getting excited about the ups and downs. He’s helped me with long-term thinking "

- Debbi N.

Client since since 2019

" My only regret is that I didn’t join Chatterton 10 years earlier. If I had, we would be in a better position today because we’ve been very happy with the service we’ve gotten and the direction we’ve received. "

- Israel V.

Client since since 2011

" David doesn’t just get the numbers; he knows that my wife and I have a pension. He keeps our taxes straight to make sure we don’t owe a fortune at the end of the year. "

-Jerry R.

Client Since 2006

The quotes that appear above are unpaid testimonials that were provided by current clients of Chatterton & Associates (“C&A”). They were obtained through an optional survey provided to all relevant clients. This method of collection can potentially bias responses in a way that is favorable towards Chatterton & Associates (“C&A”). All testimonials obtained through this survey are available upon request. Non compensated client testimonial; may not be representative of all client experiences; no guarantee of future performance or success.

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