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Proactive Planning Guides

Easy Reads to Improve Your Financial Wellness

Chatterton’s guides are filled with wisdom we feel will benefit you most at each stage of your financial wellness journey, whether you’re just starting, are more seasoned in planning, or are supported by another team like ours. Chatterton specializes in Financial Planning, Tax Planning, Business Planning, and Estate Planning; each team listens to your vision for your legacy. Together, we create a plan that includes collaboration and action; these guides are just one way to experience that collaboration. If discussing these topics may benefit you and your family, please connect with our team.

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor

Proactive Investors Guide | 10 minute read

When people are searching for a financial advisor or a financial planner, one of the first things they want to know is, “What is your rate of return?”

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A Proactive Guide to Estate Planning

Proactive Investors Guide | 10 minute read

As you head into retirement, you may have questions on how to preserve your wealth and legacy. 

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A Proactive Guide to Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning | 10 minute read

Planning for retirement is an important time in your life where you should be asking yourself how much money you will need to live a comfortable life.

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A Proactive Guide to Avoiding Common Risks in Retirement

Retirement Planning | 10 minute read

Being able to thoroughly enjoy your retirement with the lifestyle you desire is the goal of many investors. 

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Guide to Maximizing Your Tax Refund in California

Tax Planning | 10 minute read

California taxpayers should consider these five strategies to help maximize their tax refund.

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Guide to Hiring the Right Bookkeeper for Your Business

Business Solutions | 10 minute read

As a business owner, you understand the immense value of maintaining precise financial records.

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6 Essential Opportunities Missing from Your Financial Plan

Wealth & Tax Planning | 10 minute read

Without the integration of tax planning into wealth management and estate planning, investors aren’t seeing a complete picture of their financial plan.

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Quarterly Economic Updates

Proactive Planning | 15 minute read

Stay updated with our quarterly economic newsletter, featuring news about market performance, inflation status, how investors can be proactive, and more.

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2024 Tax Newsletter

Tax Planning | 10 minute read

This report features tax law coverage, tax rates, important updates, and strategies that may be useful to investors.

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