8 Practical Tips for Teaching Kids About Money
Children learn about money very early in life, usually by spending it, then hopefully by earning it. From birth to adolescence and from college graduation to having children of their own, children will always be linked to money and finances.
However, if you take a look at all of the financial difficulties that we encounter as a society, it becomes obvious that there is a need for financial education. That is why it is more crucial than ever to introduce smart and frugal financial habits at an early age that will continue to develop over the course of their lives.
Money Management for Kids
If you help your children and grandchildren to understand money, you can help eliminate potential stress, financial burdens, and emotional strain that the misuse of money can bring.
Remember that the goal is not to expect that your child will accumulate great financial riches, but rather to provide sound advice and values so that as adults they can avoid potential financial pitfalls and live comfortably and financially stress-free. Here are 8 tips on teaching children financial responsibility:
1. Educate and empower your children or grandchildren to become regular savers and investors
Take an active role in teaching children to keep more of the money they earn.
Teach them to be thoughtful in what they spend their hard-earned money on. Everyday spending decisions that they make can have a great impact on their financial future more so than many of the investment decisions they will make in their lifetime.
2. Communicate openly and regularly about your values on spending and saving money
It is your responsibility to share with your children or grandchildren how to save money, let it grow, and most importantly, when and how to spend it in a timely and wise fashion. These types of discussions should not be a one-time lecture, but rather consistent and regular dialogue so the lessons learned become part of that child’s personal fabric.
3. Teach your children the difference between a need and a want
One of the most difficult concepts for children to understand is the difference between a basic need versus a want. It is okay to allow children to give in at times to wants and wishes, but there is a clear need to distinguish the difference.
Many adults struggle with this balance and sink into debt because they cannot distinguish and control their spending habits on frivolous wants, versus frugally spending it on needs. While our society encourages us to spend, spend, spend, and buy items that are not necessities, it is your responsibility to teach your children financial education.
Share with them that they should first look to meet their everyday needs, plan for emergencies, grow their savings, and finally consider spending their money on “want” items. Helping them rationalize and learn the difference will teach them about how to spend and allocate their money so that as they grow into adults they have a healthy relationship with money.
4. Introduce the concept of saving versus spending
It might not be appropriate for you to dictate what your child saves versus spends, but it is certainly helpful for you to teach the concept of earning interest and potential growth on savings.
Consider opening an interest bearing account with the money children save at home or possibly offer them a small interest amount on money you save for them. Show them how you calculate that interest and have them watch it grow! Some parents even offer “bonuses” or match what their children save on their own to further encourage this type of behavior.
5. Use your own regular shopping trips as opportunities to teach your children or grandchildren about the value of money
For many children, going to the supermarket is one of their earliest and most frequent spending experiences. Groceries and household items are an important use of our earnings and spending smarter at the grocery stores can help the family better allocate monies to different areas.
When possible, use coupons and look for sales as ways to show children strategies that help them reduce the recurring but necessary spending. Make it fun and have them search out coupons on items that you regularly use.
Another learning tool is to show them how to compare unit prices and values. Try to train them to constantly look for ways to save and avoid being wasteful. One strategy is to plan your supermarket trip and purchases by making a list in advance and then teach your children not to buy impulsively.
6. Alert children about the dangers of borrowing money and paying interest
Unfortunately, many times the bank of mom and dad, or grandpa and grandma, typically do not charge interest on large or small loans. Therefore, children or grandchildren never learn how expensive it is to borrow money!
It is never too early to teach children that paying for something over a long period of time with a 12-18% interest rate means that, although the buyer may pay less up-front or per month, they pay far more for the purchase over the time of the loan.
7. Think about establishing regular family discussions about finances
Regularly discussing topics like cash, checks, and credit cards can be incredibly helpful for pre-adolescents and teenagers.
You can talk about wise spending habits and the proper use of credit, a problem that plagues many people later in life who have not learned this lesson. It is helpful as well to discuss what is happening both nationally and locally in the economy and how it can affect or change your thought process about economizing.
We always remember what Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Keep in mind that although that penny saved is a penny earned, it won’t help you as much at the end of the day if you still owe a dollar!
8. Review your allowances and expectations
Many experts differ on whether or not allowances should be tied to household chores.
Some say children will learn more about personal responsibility if they are not paid for helping out at home. Others feel it teaches a valuable lesson about working and earning.
One way to solve this issue is to let your children know that good grades and regular help around the house is expected as a price of family life. You may consider paying your children for chores outside of the daily duties, such as washing the family car or working in the garden.
Sharpen Your Financial Literacy with Chatterton & Associates
While there is no assurance that any child will accumulate financial savvy, you will hopefully leave a far greater legacy by teaching your children or grandchildren the basics of personal finance and how to be financially responsible. Contact Chatterton & Associates today for a complimentary consultation with one of our Certified Financial Planners and get started on building a financial stable future for yourself and your loved ones.
This article is for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal or investment planning advice as individual situations will vary. For specific advice about your situation, please consult with a lawyer or financial professional.