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Rate Cuts, Market Performance, and the U.S. Presidential Election: How to Prepare for What's Ahead in 2024

A Chatterton Wealth Update Webinar

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes common questions from investors: Is the labor market still strong? Is inflation finally going away? And how will the upcoming election impact the markets?

Chatterton's Certified Financial Planner™  professionals Eric Oh and Arrash Zare will present on these topics and answer your questions in our online webinar, Rate Cuts, Market Performance, and the U.S. Presidential Election: How to Prepare for What's Ahead in 2024. Join us to gain insights and learn proactive strategies for your financial future.

What Will Be Covered:

  • Economic Outlook
  • Global Economies and Markets
  • Consumer Confidence: Finances, Labor, and The Stock Market
  • Where is Inflation Headed?
  • The 2024 Election and Your Finances


Online until November 8, 2024

Presented by:

Presenter's Name

Eric Y. Oh


Presenter's Name

Arrash B. Zare


Register Now!

On-Demand Webinar

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